The King says that it's not his problem and continues eating his Rump Roast. They visit the King who is eating his Rump Roast, they explain that there's a new threat in Miitopia, and that he needs to take action. The party enters the King's Castle and sees that everything is alright, relieving them.

Right before leaving, he changes the look of the worlds, making you manoeuvre around the worlds differently than in Miitopia 1. The party agrees that they need to inform the King of what happened so he can take action before Neskdor and other towns get invaded, he says that with his power, he doesn't need faces to control monsters, but his power can control them at will.

The Sarcastic Guy says that they did great, giving the Ultimate Curse exactly what he wanted. He disappears and rises out of the ground as the Dark God, he flies away saying that he got what he wanted. The Ultimate curse laughs and says that that's exactly what he wanted, and possesses the Dubious Mayor. He looks at the protagonist and cackles, before the whole of Greenhorne Town crowds in front of them, saying that they will not touch the protagonist.
Miitopia wiki jobs full#
He says he can't reach full power unless he possesses a human. It proves to not be enough, as the Ultimate Curse breaks in. The Great Sage steps in and creates a magic barrier to keep him away. The Ultimate Curse flies in, prepared to finally defeat the protagonist. The protagonist is outfitted with the God Job, a job that only the protagonist could be trusted with, after choosing your teammates job, the Ultimate Curse attacks. The Great Sage says that they all need new jobs, jobs that are so powerful that they can combat the Ultimate Curse. The Dubious Mayor says that they made a hotel in the town and that he'd be happy to let them rent some rooms. The protagonist explains that the blue thing was the Ultimate Curse, a combination of the Dark Curse and the Darker Curse, the protagonist says that they are out of energy and need a place to stay. Your team arrives in Greenhorne, treated by cheers, the Dubious Mayor says that they saw a big explosion and a blue thing flying in the air, they then say that the Sarcastic Guy saw something crash into the ground. He uses a new power from the Dark Curse to fly away, he drops your team near Greenhorne Town to check up on anybody before flying away. You are swept away by the Great Sage before you are killed. You fight the Ultimate Curse, getting nowhere close before being easily defeated. When you kill the Dark Curse, it says thanks for giving it the power to turn into the Ultimate Curse. It rises out of the ground calling itself the "Ultimate Curse" Suddenly, a dark shadow emerges from the ground, calling itself the "Darker Curse" it possesses the Ex-Dark Curse. It turns back into it's human form and thanks the Protagonist. It doesn't matter, since the same things happen. Mere minutes after the Dark Curse's defeat, you once again have the option of Sparing or Killing it. This only covers the main areas of the story. If not, than I would strongly recommend getting Miitopia from the Nintendo eShop on Switch and start playing it. Out of 100, my applications with a male name got 10 responses to interview Out of 100, my applications with a female name got 87 responses to interview The female resume got 870% more responses.If you have Miitopia for Switch, you have to use the same characters that you have with Miitopia as it occurs minutes after the final battle. Sometimes the male went first, sometimes the female went first. Made a fake resume, and responded to craigslist ads with both male and female names. So then I thought "what about someone looking for working class jobs?" So I decided to focus on restaurants- servers, hosting, etc. Out of 100, my applications with a female name got 45 responses to interview The female resume was 650% more likely to get a callback.

Out of 100, my applications with a male name got 7 responses for interview. I'd send it out with my real name, then a few days later (or few days before) with a female name. So I took my CV and changed the name to a female name. It's MUCH better being a woman So I did an experiment, I work in CS and decided to test what the gender bias is. 29.6K 1.3K sent 100 applications as a man and a woman.