Aria made Alison promise not to tell her mother, and decided that her father's secret was better left buried. The girls caught Meredith and Byron kissing in his car. Alison and Aria discovered that Aria's father was having an affair with a college student, Meredith Sorenson. She sported pink streaks in her hair and a love of art. She was the artsy and alternative girl in Alison's clique.
Can't have children ( Exposed) Series InformationĪria is the firstborn child of Byron and Ella Montgomery, and the older sister of Mike. Destroyed Emily's and Ali's nursery ( Exposed) Was under demands of A.D, meaning betraying the other liars

Took the comic Lucas and Charlotte made by demand from A.D Accepted an editorial position, hoping to cross paths with Ezra again while she was dating Jason ( Exposed to Jason) Had a relationship with Jason during the five year time jump ( Possibly presumed by Alison) Purposefully dismissed "Nicole's" call ( exposed to Emily, Ezra and Alison) Buried Elliott Rollins with Emily, Hanna and Spencer ( Exposed to Alison, Ezra, Mona and Caleb) Saw Charlotte the night she was murdered ( Exposed to the Liars) Snuck out with Ezra the night Charlotte was murdered ( Exposed to the Liars) Kissed Andrew while dating Ezra ( Exposed to Emily) Killed Shana accidentally, in order to save the other girls ( Exposed to Ezra and the Liars) Pretended to be 'Amy' to talk with Maggie ( Exposed to Wesley) Tried to learn more about Maggie Cutler with Wesley Trashed her dad's office with Alison ( Exposed) Was present the night "Alison's body" was stolen Was dating Ezra against her parents wishes ( Exposed) Pretended to be a candy striper to steal Alison's autopsy report Kissed Jason while dating Ezra ( Exposed to Emily, Spencer and Ezra) Pretended to be 'Anita' to talk with Jenna ( Exposed to Jenna) Had an affair with her English teacher ( Exposed) Knew her dad was having an affair with Meredith ( Exposed)